Aminet 16
Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso
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Busy.mcc 2.2 - Documentation
Busy.mcc (C) 1994-96 kMel, Klaus Melchior
This data is freely distributable, but copyrighted by me. This means
you may freely copy them as long as you do not charge more than a
nominal fee for copying. This data may be put on PD disks, especially
on Fred Fish's AmigaLibDisks and Fred's CDROMs. If you want to
distribute the data you MUST keep this document with it. All documents,
programms and files must be distributed in their original unmodified
This files cannot be used for commercial purposes without written
permission by the author, this applies also on ShareWare. The author
can not be made responsible for any damage which is caused by using
these programs.
This class is GiftWare. If you like it and use it regularly, you should
consider to send a small donation to the author in order to honor the
work he has put into this program.
If you are using this class in your commercial or Shareware
applications you have to contact me before you do any way of
I'm interesting in who is using my class in own programs, so don't be
hesitate to contact me.
Send comments, suggestions or bug reports, and the gifts to:
Klaus Melchior, Schulstrasse 17
D-52156 Monschau, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)2472 4710
DE: kmel@eifel.oche.de
BIG: kmel@et1.etechnik.fh-aachen.de
FIDO: 2:242/158.2@fidonet
What is Busy.mcc?
Busy is a Custom Class of the Magic User Interface (c) by Stefan
Stuntz. It's a subclass of area-class, which allocates inputhandlers
and pens with MUI.
The idea of this class was born if I was trying the search functions
on a MAC system. If the search is spending a lot of time a striped
scrolling rectangle is shown, to display the activity of the machine.
The style and speed can be defined by user, but the programmer
decides if the speed is copied, overwitten or set to null, the BusyBar
is moved manually.
What you need !
- MUI >= 3.2 (Version 13)
- Crawling.mcc for preferences
How to install!
copy Busy/Libs/MUI/#? MUI:Libs/MUI/
copy Busy/Developer/AutoDocs/MCC_Busy.doc AutoDocs:
copy Busy/Developer/Include/MUI/Busy_mcc.h Include:MUI/
copy Busy/Developer/Amiga-E/#? <AmigaEPath>
copy Busy/Developer/Modula/#? <ModulaPath>
copy Busy/Developer/Oberon/#? <OberonPath>
Or simpler: Use the installer script!
History of Listtree.mcc
0.1 28.04.94 * first beta release to [ss]
14.05.94 + new beta version of MUI
0.2 * second release to [ss]
+ max. width, max. height removed
1.0 16.06.94 * release for MUI 2.1
16.07.94 + drawing during dispatcher method removed [fg]
1.1 06.08.94 * release for MUI 2.2
... ........ > Busy.mcc, Busy.mcp
< source removed
+ several styles
1.5 14.01.96 * beta to several people, MUI3.2
- bugfixes Surfer-A1200 [cd] [ow]
19.02.96 - MUIA_Busy_Position removed
- bugfix in _Dispose() [ss]
20.02.96 + Oberon includes changed [fd]
> Oberon example included [fd]
2.0 21.02.96 * release to aminet, MUI3.3
23.03.96 > E includes added [js]
29.03.96 + prefs: shortcut renamed [gj]
+ prefs: some hotkeys added
xx.xx.96 * release MUI3.6
03.09.96 + MUIA_Version, MUIA_Revision
12.09.96 + adapted to new archive structure
2.1 * release to aminet
26.10.96 + ability to stop animation [reflex]
+ icons
+ installer script
2.2 * release to aminet
What is to do in future?
- Localization
Thanks are going to ...
- Stefan Stuntz for his Magic User Interface
- Olaf Peters for the help with Modula2
- Frank Duerring for the help with Oberon and his example source
- Jan Hendrik Schulz for his help with the E Interface
- Ruediger Sopp, Oliver Wagner, Christoph Dietz, Gottfried Janik
- and all I forgot to mention ...
Authors address Copyright
Bug reports Copyright
Comments Copyright
Copyright Copyright
Credits Credits
Description Description
Distribution Copyright
E-Mail Copyright
GiftWare Copyright
History History
Installation Installation
Requirements Requirements
Thanks Credits
ToDo ToDo